2007 „Guest of Hollars 2007“
Gallery Hollar, Prague 1
group exhibition
2008 „Recalcitrant alphabet of the woman and the man“
Minorite monastery of Jacob, Prague 1
single exhibition
„Art on ballon“
art space Wohlleb, Vienna
group exhibition
2009 „A dialogue is always four-sided talks“
art space Wohlleb, Vienna
single exhibition
art auction for club„Paint for life“
Austrian embassy, Berlin
„Small Talk“
Ovesholm, Sweden
single exhibition
art auction for club „neunerHAUS“
im MAK, Vienna
„The 41th Christmas exhibition“
Gallery KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
group exhibition
2010 „Portrait in graphic technologies“
Clam-Gallas Palais, Prague 1
group exhibition of a competition
„Soul on the way“
Austrian Cultur Forum Prague (ÖKF)
single exhibition
2010 – 2013 permanent exhibition in ÖKF, Prague
2011 „Landscape in graphic textures“
Clam-Gallas Palais, Prague 1
group exhibition of a competition
2011 - till today premanent exhibition
Taylor Wessing e/n/w/c advokáti v.o.s.
U Prašné brány 1, Prague 1
2012 „Graphis technologies in high- und deep print“
Clam-Gallas Palais, Prague 1
group exhibition of a competition
2013 „Graphis technologies in high- und deep print“
Clam-Gallas Palais, Prague 1
group exhibition of a competition
„The 45th Christmas exhibition“
Gallery KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
group exhibition
2014 „Graphis technologies in high- und deep print“
Clam-Gallas Palais, Prague 1
group exhibition of a competition
Church of Martin in the Wall, Prague 1
single exhibition
exhibition and auction für club „Konto Bariéry“
Veletržní palác, Prague 7
“Celebrating print 2014” Bohemia National Hall,
321 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021
group exhibition of a competition
2015 „With look at Franz Kafka“
art space Wohlleb, Vienna
single exhibition
2016 „Garden Eden of Franz Kafka“
Church of Martin in the Wall, Prague 1
single exhibition
„The 48th Christmas exhibition“
Gallery KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
group exhibition
2017 Fastingcloth 2017, “Son”
Church of Sankt Johann Nepomuk on Stone garden in Prague
„Womens thing”
Gallery KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
group exhibition
31stGallery Lange Gasse 27 1080 Wien, Austria
exhibition for two
„The 49th Christmas exhibition“
Gallery KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
group exhibition
2018 „Franz Kafka´s indestructible“
Church of Martin in the Wall, Prague 1
exhibition and auction für club „Konto Bariéry“
Charls University, Prague 1
2019 Fastingcloth, "Jan Palach"
Church of Sankt. Johann
Nepomuk on Stonegarden, Prague 2
2022 new permanent exhibition
Taylor Wessing e/n/w/c advokáti v.o.s.
U Prašné brány 1, Prague 1
Fastingcloth 2022, "Trees"
Church of Sankt Johann Nepomuk on Stonegarden, Prague
permanent exhibition
Hotel Moráň
Na Moráni 15, Prague 2
2023 „Felicity“
Hartmann, Singerstraße, Wien
single exhibition
Fastingcloth 2023, "Heart"
Church of Sankt Johann Nepomuk on Stonegarden, Prague
2019 – 2023 permanent exhibition in Gallery ARTEPAULI, Prague
Hartmann, Singerstraße, Wien
single exhibition
2024 Fastingcloth, "To be"
Church of Sankt Johann Nepomuk on Stonegarden, Prague
"Zum 100.Geburtstag von Franz Kafka"
Galerie KRAUSE, Pfäffikon, Schweiz
single exhibition